Thursday, August 29, 2013

Man's Price-tag...

Everyone on planet Earth is asking this question. Some people we know or meet have a natural over-confidence in themselves and spend most of their life proving they are valuable. And others try to hid the fact that they are just not sure of Who they are and How valuable they are. We often hear that our family and friends suffer from low self-esteem or a low self-worth that it immobilizes them from functional living. Our "wonderful" medical field categorizes it as Depression. What is depression, actually? The Webster dictionary defines it as (1) : a state of feeling sad : dejection (2) : a psychoneurotic or psychotic disorder marked especially by sadness, inactivity, difficulty in thinking and concentration, a significant increase or decrease in appetite and time spent sleeping, feelings of dejection and hopelessness, and sometimes suicidal tendencies (1) : a reduction in activity, amount, quality, or force (2) :a lowering of vitality or functional activity. 

Depression is the exact opposite of value or self-worth. It is the effect of sin (the natural impact of the fall, our own sin, and sin done to us by others) in our lives (Genesis 3:8). The state of depression is not what God designed or intended His "precious" creation to be in. In fact, sin, shame, and our success driven culture has raped humanity of his value. In short depression is the misappropriation of the view of man or self over the actual view of God. We simply place ourselves over God as a "god".

Last Sunday, in our worship gathering, brother Uni shared about how much God values mankind. He reminded me how precious we are / I am to God. Together we read Genesis 1:20 - 2:7 and heard God say, with His own words, that He made everything that there is with His voice BUT with man He personally put us together with His own hands. Then kissed us with the breath of life and we became a living being. Brother Uni repeated several times, "God cared about us; He valued us so much that He honored us by making us with His own hands and breathing life into us from His own lips."

For me that was enough. I was convicted. I heard God say to me that He's "I AM" for me. Then the Spirit reminded me of His words form: 

  • Jeremiah 1:5 "Before I formed you in the womb I knew you, And before you were born I consecrated you; I have appointed you a prophet to the nations."
  • Psalms 139: 13-16 For you created my inmost being; you knit me together in my mother’s womb. I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful, I know that full well. My frame was not hidden from you when I was made in the secret place, when I was woven together in the depths of the earth. Your eyes saw my unformed body; all the days ordained for me were written in your book before one of them came to be.
As I look around this land we are serving in (Thailand) and think about the land we live in (America) I see how precious the "fatherless" are to God. That God is calling them to Himself to become the "sons of God". But how? How is he calling them to Himself? Through our lives of service? Through our daily dying to our will? Through our trusting in the name of the Lord our God? Through our unwavering allegiance to our King? YES, all of the above and more!

As the Spirit speaks to my heart I can hear Uni's voice fade in and out. "You see, Uni continues, "we are the eyes of God on Earth. We are the hands of Jesus in our community. We are the mouth of God in our culture. We are the feet of God where we work!" If we do not see through His eyes, touch with His hands, speak with His love and power, and work with His strength and intention then WE keep God, our creator and savior, hidden!

If we could just believe in what Jesus said in John 14-15 and live it moment by moment then the culture in our communities will be redeemed. We will see God reclaim and sanctify it into what He intended it to be - place for HIM to dwell. God wants to dwell within our hearts and be praised within our communities. The only way for this to occur is that God's people abide in Him, Go out in Jesus's authority and RISK IT ALL FOR THE GOSPEL!

Remember the girl in the yellow shirt at the top of the blog...what is she worth? To the man beside her,  she is worth his life. While he was on the last Go Team trip, that became undeniably real to him and he realized he was on this trip for her! At that moment, hearing her family-less story and her need for basic everyday necessities that we take for granted, her life became more valuable than his and he and his wife immediately became a Sponsor1 Parent.

To become a Sponsor1 Parent visit

Jesus died for her and you and me. He lived to die for the world and He is asking us to die to live for the "1"! Death is not easy! Perhaps this is why, at times or often, we all try to avoid it?

Learn more at

Friday, July 12, 2013

Obedience in the Small Things

As the smell of Thai food fills the air I am being reminded of the simple things in life. Sharing a meal together, laughing, reading together, and talking about the great things God has done this summer. I began reading through the blogs from other teams around the world and have been encouraged by how God moving in each place. Even in the states, God does amazing things through simply spending time with Him and time encouraging each other.
Throughout the summer I have put a lot of pressure on myself to do things for God when all he calls us to do is to be obedient to Him. Whether that means building relationships with internationals, picking them up from the airport, going out on the streets, or just helping a family with things around the house so they can be more effective in ministry. All God wants is our hearts and our obedience. Missions are not about what we can do for God. Missions  is about letting God open our eyes to a need and letting Him change us and use us for his purposes so that He may be glorified, no matter what the task.

Eating Thai Food for lunch

As we’ve worked with the Tolars this summer, I have had the pleasure of watching a family do ministry; as well as just be a family. Daniel and Lacy have 7 children, 2 of which are from Thailand, living here temporarily.  Rescue1 is being run out of their home since its U.S. establishment in 2011. They earn their support by faith that God will provide financially for their family each month. Since they are faith-based, none of the money that is given for ministry is used for personal needs. It all goes back into the ministry of Rescue1.

It is amazing to see how God provides for the Tolars and watch how they live out their faith every day. Whether it is loving their children, going out on the streets to do outreach, or giving a trafficking 101 presentation, it has been a blessing to witness and work with such an amazing family this summer.
A new command I give you: Love one another. As I have loved you, so you must love one another. By this all men will know that you are my disciples, if you love one another.” – John 13:34-35

- Chelsea, from the Rescue1 Summer Interns

Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Not Beyond Hope

Traveling with the Rescue1 team to Alabama this weekend was nothing short of enjoyable.  Of course I could never complain about getting to stay in a gorgeous house with memory foam mattresses and a heated pool, but the true joy of the experience came from getting to see people from all walks of life showing enthusiasm to enter the anti-human trafficking movement.  Watching and simply getting to be a part of the growing movement to end slavery and to fulfill the biblical command to care for the oppressed was both heartening and humbling.  I do not think that it will ever be easy for me to hear the stories regarding the realities of the trafficking world or to see the statistics indicating how many are currently being exploited, but one thing that has been reiterated to me this summer, and again was reemphasized this weekend, is that the issue is not beyond hope.  And this hope comes only from Jesus. 

Some might think that this sounds trite, but there is simply no other credible source for the expectation of liberation and reconciliation than the One who gave His life to restore all of creation to its intended relationship and potential!  He is the Liberator and Reconciler—our loving Intercessor and the One who allows us to be empowered with the Spirit in order that we may accomplish the work of the Father.  If it were not for Him, all of us would be trapped in slavery to our own sin with no hope of freedom, and if it were not for Him, we would not be able to fully and confidently address the issue of abolition in our time.  He has called for us to pour ourselves into the downtrodden and to give ourselves to His will and has promised to be with us always—who are we to question this great calling or to think there could be anything better in this life?  In short, this weekend was yet another reminder of what I believe to be my calling as a Christian and of the great, hopeful passion that I am honored to be a part of.

- Ana, from the Rescue1 Summer Interns

Thursday, June 27, 2013

Rescue1 & The Heart of the Gospel

As we have continued to work with Rescue1 this week, God keeps opening our eyes and transforming our hearts to look more like His. Since we are going to the same motels every week, our team has been able to develop some deeper relationships with people who live there. Four girls on our team have gotten to know “A” and now spend time talking with her and praying with her every time we go out. Kathy and I have also developed a friendship with a woman at one of the motels and we continue to have good conversations and spend time prayer each week.
As the weeks have progressed, we have been able to develop these relationships by meeting physical needs like providing meals and clothing for those in need. However, these things alone are a means to an end without the gospel. The gospel is the end goal. Serving is just the bridge to getting to the gospel. That’s how Jesus did ministry. He healed people and he feed them, and then he spent time teaching them about the truth, His truth. Since Jesus did that, we should do too. We meet physical needs to get to the spiritual needs of people. After we offer physical loaves of bread, we need to offer the bread of life, Jesus.
Our lives should not inform us of how much Jesus is a part of us. He is not “a part” of us; Jesus is our life. Our relationship with Christ should inform us of how we are to live our lives. We all need rescue from eternal suffering as well as restoration for spiritual freedom. Here’s how we are to relate the ministry of Rescue1 back to Jesus:
Christ informed:
those endangered
those who thought they were saved
Christ served:
physical needs, touched and loved, went to sinners, spent time with people
Christ solved:
Calvary, offered a solution, was the solution, was selfless
Christ informed to make people aware of their need for a Savior. He served their physical needs. And He solved the problem of sin by going to the cross. Since He did those things, we are to do these things:

Rescue1 informs:
  • the community (prevention) 
  • the Church (action/rescue) 
  • the vulnerable (restoration)
Rescue1 serves: His people à everyone:  least of these through love: food, prayer, physical needs, building relationships
Rescue1 solves:

- the Gospel which leads to: cleansing, purifying, healing, restoration 
- Jobs, protection 
- Reintegration into society: housing, specialized counseling, legal issues, long-term and emergency services: facilities, homes – find people who have an open home, no kids, no restrictions, where they can take victims in.
At the end of the day it all goes back to the gospel and what Christ did. As we continue to serve and build relationships with people through Last Call 4 Grace in Rescue 1 hopes to begin the same type of ministry up here in Nashville.

It has been a life changing experience to see the physical and spiritual needs of people here. We can no longer say we didn’t know. And because of that we cannot return back to our normal lives after this summer. God may not lead us all to work with trafficking victims, but we must always live our lives with Christ at the center, wherever he may call us. God does not want sacrifice, he wants obedience. He already sacrificed Himself for us. As we are obedient to God, our love becomes sacrificial like His.

“This is how we know what love is: Jesus Christ laid down his life for us. And we ought to lay down our lives for our brothers. If anyone has material possessions and sees his brother in need but has no pity on him, how can the love of God be in him? Dear children, let us not love with words or tongue but with actions and in truth.” – 1 John 3:16-18

- The Rescue1 Summer Interns

Thursday, June 20, 2013

Meet Our Rescue1 Summer Interns

This summer, God has blessed us with 6 interns to help us continue our work. They will be helping us conduct research, hold trafficking 101's and helping us lay the foundation for special ops in Nashville. They will be posting blogs periodically throughout the summer about their experiences working with us.
Here is the first one:

This week we learned all about human trafficking and started working as interns with Rescue 1, an organization that raises awareness and works to prevent trafficking. Last week we spent a few days doing research about trafficking in different states so we could better understand how it happens, who the traffickers are, and who the victims are. After we did research, we went out on the streets to do outreach and pray for victims of trafficking at a few motels in Murfreesboro. Since outreach like this does not happen in Nashville yet, Rescue 1 is working with a ministry called Last Call For Grace to see it first hand in hopes of doing something similar in Nashville.  

Yesterday we spent our first day working with Rescue 1, this is a ministry working with human trafficking. We did everything from researching for five hours to going to the motels where human trafficking actually takes place. There were so many sad things I got to see first-hand. One of the most impacting moments of the night was when I had the opportunity to go door to door with Candy, telling people we had free food. We knocked at one room and a man answered the door. We asked if they wanted some food and two girls spoke up and said “Yes!! We would love some food!” So, one of the girls, named "T" came to get food. She acted so cheerful and happy when we came to the door but as soon as she got away from her “man” her demeanor changed all together. She went and talked to Candy and when Candy prayed for her she broke down. It literally broke my heart, because T didn’t get out. It’s her choice and she went back up to her room. I kept thinking, how can you want to go back to that, but then I’m reminded how I do the same thing sometimes. God gives me a way out of my sin and I just chose to live in it sometimes. I know that T is a daughter of the King and He can do mighty things in her life, if only she will let him. Pray for T!
-        Lexi

Outreach in Murfreesboro has been eye opening. It’s amazing to see how God moves and uses something as simple as a meal and prayer to impact people’s lives. However, it goes beyond food. Our true hope is that these victims would be able to get out being trafficking and that they would be able to start over their lives. Also, our hope is that they would find new life in Jesus Christ.

After doing the research and going out on the streets, we can no longer say we didn’t know. There are 27 million people in slavery around the world, whether it is labor trafficking or sex trafficking, everyone deserves to get out and everyone needs the hope of Christ. Please join us in prayer for everyone who is affected by human trafficking, the victims, and the traffickers themselves.

Ways you can pray:
Pray for the victims to get out and that they would know Jesus 

Pray for us as we do outreach on Wednesday and Friday nights all summer 

Pray for awareness to be raised about the issue of human trafficking  

Pray for the church to get more involved in this issue and for more labors 

Pray for Last Call For Grace and the ministry that they are doing

- The Rescue1 Summer Interns

Thursday, March 28, 2013

Important Updates

Sometimes I catch myself staring off into heaven like our brothers in Acts did while and after Jesus ascended into heaven. Sometimes I live as if I am left powerless, daydreaming of the day Jesus returns. I dream of the day when Justice will flow down like a river, “All” creation is made new, and “Every” wrong is made right.

I dream of – then the Spirit reminds me that He is "God Spirit" and that He is come to comfort, heal, restore, equip, and renew. He reminds me that His Mission is to bring holy, Biblical justice to Earth. That He is come to make “All” wrongs, right! He is come to fill me with Him, Him with me, and Us, the Body, with His infinite might, glory, love, holiness, grace, humility, sacrifice, and much more because we are apart of His Mission. Jesus came to redeem man and to enlist every new creation into His radical, never done before, servant based, violent prayer warfare, and complete world insurgence. This excites me! We are indwelt with the Creator of the universe to be His Kingdom on Earth and to reclaim that, which is rightfully His! Psalms 24:1-2 says, The earth is the Lord’s, and all its fullness, the world and those who dwell therein. For, He has founded it upon the seas, and established it upon the waters.

Rescue1 Update
With that said we are humbled that God would allow us to be a part of His reclaiming strategy. The last month and a half God has given Rescue1 ground that we have been praying years for. This ground has been stripped from Satan’s grip and we can feel his jealous anger. Our family is being attacked because Satan has been ruling this ground, air, and hearts of unregenerate mankind since the fall and he is unwilling to relinquish this territory. 

God has allowed several unique opportunities for Lacy and I to evangelize in arenas that many may not have the opportunity to do so. For instance:
  • We have been invited to participate with the state of TN’s anti-trafficking strategy sessions to help write victim identification procedures, after care protocol, and coordinate collective public awareness initiatives 
  • Department of Children’s Services is begging us to recruit faith-based foster parents to specialize in trafficking care for minor 
  • Assistant District Attorney has asked us to help with the Hannah Project 
  • TN National Guard has asked us to return to train more soldiers, of which several have invited us to train their places of employment. 
  • Public schools are asking us to come and educate councilors and teachers.
  • Other secular partners to mention FBI, TBI, local Police Departments.
Trafficking 101
Over the last four weeks we have been invited to several mission’s conferences to share about our vision, mission, and educate on trafficking. While conducting our Trafficking 101, we call the Church to be on the forefront of the anti-trafficking movement, to seek Biblical Justice, to provide victim services in their community, and to evangelize the trafficked population through Special Ops. Hundreds are responding to this call by starting / joining a Task Force.

One specific new Task Force is the Idlewild Rescue1 Task Force in Tampa, FL. We just returned from there, where over 600 people came to raise their Trafficking IQ and over 180 Idlewild members signed up to be a significant part this Task Force. Among the group five other Tampa churches were represented, of which four have begun the process of inviting Rescue1 to their church. Join them and raise your Trafficking IQ Today!

It is humbling what the Lord is doing in and through Rescue1. God is moving in mighty ways and granting us to be missionaries in some very significant places. Truly, God is going before us, preparing the way, and bringing many to Himself. 

Remember to pray for E's recovery and salvation. She is the lady God brought to us to Rescue at one of our local Starbucks. Look for parts of her story in the next update. If you would like to donate gift cards, housing goods, food, furniture, etc. please email us at

Family Update
The Lord is blessing our marriage in so many ways. We live, work, play, rest, dream, grow, and pray together. We are devoted to each others personal growth and development in Christ. As well as diligently learning God's word and how He wants us to bring #BiblicalJustice, through the gospel, into human trafficking.

The kids are doing really well. As the time passed they get bigger, smarter, more mature, and more independent, which brings new uncharted waters. There are four teens in the house, Sun-18, Hannah-16, Wesley-15, and Leigha-13 who make parenting an interesting endeavor. Then there are three little ones, Lydia-7, Dawson-5, and David-3. There never a dull second in our home.
  • Sun is doing well in school but having a tough time with American History. He enjoys playing guitar at Lighthouse Christian School's chapel band and he plays forward and midfield on the soccer team. 
  • Hannah has finally overcome the food and culture hurdle. She is our brightest student in the house and is just a few points away from a 4.0. She too is playing soccer as a midfielder and defender. 
  • Wesley is doing well in school. He played football this year and received severe internal injuries that forced doctors to order him temporary abstention from sports during the basketball season. Praise the Lord, the abstention was lifted and he is now playing soccer. 
  • Leigha is doing really well in school. Lacy is doing a great job Homeschooling her. Leigha has battled through her dyslexia well and learned to manage it. She was just recently accepted into acting school. The school was so impressed with her and touched deeply with what Lacy and I do through Rescue1 that they gave Leigha a partial scholarship. 
  • Lydia is really enjoying her home school program (K12). She is learning really fast, her reading has improved and part of practicing what she is learning is to explain and teach some of her lessons to Dawson and David. 
  • Dawson is chomping at the bit to start school. He is definitely our most academically motivated child. He also has uncanny gymnast ability and will start gymnastics class next month. 
  • David is right in there with Dawson. He is the most loving one in the house. No matter what the emotional tone is in the house David runs around all the time telling everyone “I love you!”. 
Pray Requests 
Family - Praise God for His never-ending faithfulness. We have never gone wanting for anything and God is raising up new personal supporters. 
Continue to pray for:
  • That God guards our children’s hearts form the lies of Satan and that they do not get angry with God for our living simply and by faith. 
  • Increased personal support (we get by on 20% of our projected budget, which i not healthy long term) 
  • One of our supporters gave us a used car that needed fixing. Another supporter did all the work free of charge but we have to pay for all the parts. Cost $1500. 
  • A few home improvements for our home of 9. Cost $1000. 
Rescue1 – Right now Rescue1 is Lacy and I, Lauren (leaving in August for Grad School), and Rich (part time volunteer staff).
  • R1 needs church, business, and private partners who commit themselves to seeing Biblical Justice holistically enforced in the trafficking world. Partnership at $100+/month. 
  • Task Forces planted in local communities all over the country through our churches. 
  • Staff to passionately educate, lead, and mobilize churches to provide “Redemptive” After Care Services and “Loving" Long Term Rehabilitative Care through discipleship/mentors. 
  • Anti-trafficking partners/donors to help R1 open Homes of Restoration for minors and adults in Tennessee first and then other states. We will need funds, property, workers to remodel or construct the structures, volunteer staff, food goods, house goods, furniture, etc…
  • Full time, faith-based staff to serve as case management workers, foster care coordinator, house mom / parents, licensed Christian clinical psychologist and trauma therapy councillors. 
  • And the list go on and on.

Sunday, April 29, 2012

Rescue1 Update

Rescue1 has had an amazing last two weeks. The Lord is moving rapidly and growing Lacy and I so much.

I hope all of you have received the docs that R1 has sent out to our team leaders (You all). If not Please let me know.

           THANK YOU'S
Sharon Pratt - For researching, compiling, and developing the Business Proposal. Also for your help at the PIHConference.
Amazing Grace Worship Center - Partnering with R1 "for a Movement of Change", Task Force Launch and Monthly Sponsorship for the Homes of Refuge.
Christ Church Birmingham - Task Force Launch
Pam Bates, Amber Tolbert, Benga Harrison and Paul Lawler - For the business meeting, mentoring and organizational foundation/structure session we had. It was a world of help.
Kurt and Connie Edwards - For loving us well, your sacrifices of praise and helping us with our kiddos as we had meetings. You are such a blessing.

At the Pure In Heart Conference (, Lacy was able to share the heart, purpose, and desire of God for R1. He stirred many 
hearts to action and the wear1rescue1 marketplace collected over $2000 in sales/donations. Many contacts were collected and we will see several TF groups rise from there.

Lacy and I have had many profitable meetings this last week. We have been learning more about:
leading and serving within a non-prof, 
non-prof business strategy and operating structures, 
Grant writing,
how to locate foundations that give grants for admin, projects, technology,
volunteer management and retention,
learning and gathering information on the details, policies, procedures, and processes of opening a rescue and recovery home in TN, from The Wellhouse
how to successfully conduct "Witness-n-Care Campaigns on the streets, truck stops and other high risk zones for prostitutes and trafficked victims
ETC... Much, much, more
There is much to be done. much to learn and many people waiting for us to 

As you consider how to pray and serve, I would like to remind us all that we are faith-based. So, we move at the speed of God's Life, Light and Provision.

R1 Staff Salary/Support - This is our greatest priority. We would like to be full time within work, development and promotion of R1; however, until we are able to raise those funds we will continue to be full-time R1/full-time support development and not 100% in either.

Home of Refuge Sustainability - This includes monthly sponsors, short/full term missionary servants, project and improvement development 

Task Force Development- Task Force Start-ups, Recruiting Abolitionists, Anti-trafficking Local-n-Global Solutions

Task Force in America 2012 Conference - May 24-26 Learn more at Also R1's Daniel Tolar will be speaking in the "For Pastors Only" forum, May 25 at 4:30.

Partner Ministry Development and Relations

Learn More...
Join a Task Force...
May God bless you, keep you and cause His face to shine upon you.

Saturday, February 25, 2012

Rescue1/Tolar Family Update

I want to thank you all for your patience. I am sorry that I have not updated the blog for a while. The Lord has been keeping us so busy, teaching us so much, making materials, building websites and trying to make them better, meeting new people, accepting our first short term, 1 year, volunteer missionary, visiting churches, sharing at PIH Conferences, launching R1, starting Task Force groups, raising support, and so much more. We are excitedly overwhelmed with all the progress the Lord has provided.

Our family is well. The children are growing faster and faster everyday.
  • David has adapted well to America and American food but he still prefers to eat white rice, sticky rice, and any green vegetable over any other food on the planet. He is 2 and ever since he could speak English repeats to say all time, and always the right time, “Fill in the name”, I Love you! Followed by the biggest huge ever.
  • Dawson still cries to go home to Thailand but less now. He is 4 now and can out pray any man I know. He has such a sensitive, sweet s
  • Lydia has overcome her confusion and misunderstanding of English letters over that of the Thai script. Her reading has improved so dramatically. She is 6 now and has the sweetest spirit about her.
Continue to pray for their salvation!
  • Leigha misses her friends in Thailand and talks about them often. She talks about how they live in poverty yet are so happy. “But what about the others. The others not living in the Christian village? If the others never hear about Christ. They will never know happiness.” She’s right! Her understanding of how the darkness of the culture can dictate how children and women are abused. She is 12 now and blossoming into such a beautiful, smart young lady. Oh, yeah, she just ask Jesus to live in her. To take the darkness and the pain away. PTL!
  • Wesley –Wow I am so proud of him! He is becoming a strong, young man. He shares about how he understands why the Lord chose our family to experience the world, missions and a different culture. “God truly made Himself for everyone!” He is 14 now and is so physically talented that he can pick up any ball and do things I only wish I could do. He played basketball this year for the first time and people would tell us how much he has improved and that he is so aggressive. I don’t know where he gets that from. ; )

Lacy and I are doing well. We are growing stronger and closer in our marriage. Isn’t marriage such a beautiful gift from God? Living as one is not always easy but God’s grace and Lacy makes it a lot easier. We are __ now! Well, we are getting older. That will have to be good enough. Haha!

Thanks for praying!
  • Rescue1 is in its infancy but is growing and having an impact in our community and offering global solutions to trafficking.
  • CHF/R1 has been able to add a kitchen on to one of our, bursting at the seams, Homes of Refuge. Over 70 young people live there.
  • Our homes, by God’s grace, have a 95% salvation rate.
  • The Hmong children’s home is reaching out into many of the Hmong village through the country side. Through their relational evangelism many are learning of Christ and coming to know Him.
  • The Education Center proposal has been accepted and we will begin building the village school soon.
  • We have our first 1 yr, short term missionary. Amy will serve at the English school and in one of the homes.
  • We have a new staff member Rich Powell. He and his family have begun to raise their support.
Please pray for us!
  • We must sustain the children’s homes. The annual budget, at this point is $104,000.
  • The Tolar family needs to raise their family, monthly budget to $3500. We are living on about 18% of that. PRAISE the LORD that HE provides for us every month.
  • We are planning 3 short term trips to Thailand, Philippines, and India. If you would like to, please let us know.
  • We would like start Task Force groups in South, Southeast and North Nashville, 2 or 3 in KY, 2 in Birmingham, AL and 2 in Huntsville, AL.
  • The Powell’s monthly support.
  • Amy’s support, field prep, and cultural acquisitions.

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Rescue1 Native Style

A greatly admired mentor of mine always says, "We move at the speed of life, light, and loot"! (he says provision, I added loot) It is so true, huh? We cannot move faster than the circumstances of life allows. We cannot work where God's revelation and guidance is not. And, we definitely cannot move forward void of His provision. Over the past 18 months God has been leading us and Compassionate Hope Foundation@ in an all out sprint. -Wait, I need a moment to catch my breath.........................Okay! It is very clear to that the Spirit is leading and showing miraculous signs to declare His Kingship. One of the ways we know God wants to reveal Himself and Rescue1 at a time is though our assistance in EMPOWERING the nationals. So, here is a taste of God giving life, light, and loot in the words of one of our national partner, servant leaders.  

Dear Friends and prayer partners,

     School was closed for the month of October and most of the students returned home to help in their churches: teaching the Bible, visiting the sick, witnessing to others and leading some to Christ.  They had good opportunities to serve Christ. While home some assisted their parents with the rice harvest or gathering coffee beans.  Others planted fields of corn for their families. Tawatchai took a team and visited former students at a church in a nearby country for 7 days. Some of the leaders and young people want to serve the Lord and would like to attend our Leadership Training Center next year. A few of our students remained here and helped with the dorm students at Home of Blessing.

School re-opened Nov. last for the 2nd term.  There are l2 students, 3 new students coming from another nearby country.  There is some problem as the 3 new students don’t know Thai so only Chalong can teach them in Hmong. We are also teaching Thai to those who don’t know Thai in order that they will be able to read and write in Thai and share with others. Then they will be able to help the churches here.

     Last night at the prayer and praise meeting one of the 
students shared about coming to the Leadership Training.  “We traveled for 2 days and 2 nights. During that time we only ate once as we didn’t have much money.  We then spent 2 nights with Christians before traveling by bus to Thailand to study at the Center.  We love the Lord and want to study God’s Word in order that we can serve the Lord.”  Praise God for those who hunger and thirst to know the Word of God.
      May God bless each of you who have a share in the work here through prayer, encouragement and giving.  Please pray for us---teachers and students alike, that we may be all God wants us to be and become mature in Christ Jesus. 

With love in Christ,

Tawatchai and Predawan Intasin 

Monday, September 26, 2011


Hi, I am Lacy Henson Tolar, I had the privilege and honor of growing up with a father and mother who have a heart for the world and those who can't defend or care for themselves. At the age of 12, I took my first mission trip and saw, first hand, the needs of those whom they/we serve. Since then a passion to be involved and live missional has grown deeper and stronger in my heart. 
Now, with my life partner and husband, Daniel, we have joined hands with our family to be apart of a mission uniquely qualified and strategically positioned to meet the spiritual and physical needs of the hurting and oppressed around the world. Reaching into the lives of those others may not be able to touch. In our travels around the world we have seen much that breaks our hearts and even blows our reality to pieces. One of the injustices we have seen most of is how the world uses and discards it’s most vulnerable,i.e., women and children. We know that God loves them, He sees each of them and desires for them to grasp their potential to change the family, community and nation they live in.

By purchasing a product from our “RESCUE 1” marketplace you offer hope and an opportunity for one of these and you give yourself the chance to be apart of something bigger than you and give God room to open your eyes to things unseen.
The marketplace is coming soon, but you can still purchase our shirts and wristbands. Just message me at
Here is how:
*Donate $100, they get an education, a safe place to live, or the chance to start a business.
*Purchase an item from our product line.
*Wear our shirts, bracelets, necklaces, or bags and help us spread the word and share the story of those who are living in silence…

What if this year you changed the life of an abused, impoverished, exploited, or persecuted child. Prevent them from starvation or rescued them from poverty, or restored them to a life of dignity. What if this year you changed a life forever? Join us and become apart of a movement where we are breaking the silence… We are speaking for those without a voice, We are protecting the powerless and offering hope to the hopeless….

Please stay tuned for more to come!
Please share this info with others!
Your involvement through buying, wearing, sharing the cause, sending us, and telling others is so valuable.
Share this blog with family, friends, church leaders, and co-workers, etc...

We are giving a voice to those silenced by anonymity; shamed and rejected.